Grace D'Amico

This is a rectangle image of Grace sitting at a wooden table in the city. She is wearing a black puffer jacket with a black leather purse around her shoulder. Her hair is red with blonde highlights, and it is down and slightly curled. She has mascara and light face makeup on. There is a green hanging plant above her in a brown basket, and the back ground is washed out. The back ground has a white umbrella and a couple shops that are visible.

Who Am I?

I am a recent graduate from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, PA. I was a communications and marketing major. I am very positive, driven, and creative person, who is looking to put all of my hard work and passion into something amazing.

My resume can be found on my LinkedIn which is linked below. If you are interested in seeing some of my work, my portfolio will be finished soon. This entire website was coded by me.

What Am I Up to?

Can't Get Enough?

I believe that strong work ethic, a positive mindset, and goals to strive for are important attributes for a person to have. I believe what you put into the universe will make it's way to you, therefore being kind and spreaing positivity will always get you far. I also believe strong relationships, and having people you can trust and who can also trust you is an important backbone to anyone's path to success.

One of my main goals in my life is become sucessful and somehow make a positive impact in the world. Whether it is through my career or something on the side, I want to spread positivity and help others as much as I can.